It’s 2019. The newness of social media has long since worn off, and most business owners know that they need to be on social media, but many are still finding it hard to stick to a plan that works for them.
For starters, there are multiple social media platforms out there, so it’s easy to get caught up in trying to “do them all” when really, you should only be focusing your time on the ones that make sense for your business.
So which social media platform is right for your business?
Before you go 🎥live on Instagram or start blasting out Tweets, ask yourself these two simple questions:
1- Who is my ideal customer?
2- What is my main goal?
Every business is different (obviously…) so depending on the audience you’re trying to reach and what goals you’re trying to accomplish, we can figure out which social media platforms are the right fit for your business.
First and foremost, who is your ideal customer?
Is it another business owner?
Are they a college student?
Do they have children?
What’s their income level?
What’s their gender?
Do they own a home?
What are they interested in?
These are the questions that will help you hone in on your target audience.
Next, what are you hoping to accomplish for your business by using social media?
Driving traffic to your website?
Brand awareness?
Generating leads and sales?
Building a community?
Customer Service?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start to narrow down the platforms that are going to give you and your business the best results.
To make it easy for you, we’ll focus on the “big hitters” as we like to call them. These are typically the most popular social media platforms that are going to be the best place for your business (in no particular order):
Good ol’ Facebook.
Out of all the current and popular social media sites, it’s been around the longest and it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. With more than two billion active users, the demographics are pretty widespread. The age of all Facebook users range from 18 to 65+, but the highest concentration of users fall in the ages of 24 to 53. Individuals use Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family, share photos and build relationships.
Industries that perform well on Facebook include anything dealing with retail, fashion, food, real estate, sports, news, media, financial services, and so on and so on...
Because of Facebook’s large number of active users and because of its effect on SEO (more on SEO later!) we generally recommend all businesses to have some type of presence on Facebook, even if it’s not your core focus.
It’s one of the fastest growing social media platforms, it’s owned by Facebook and if your business is selling a product, Instagram is the perfect place for you.
Whether it’s clothing, food, tech, beauty, health & wellness, Instagram is where your potential customers are going to discover you. Since Instagram relies on photos, it works really well for these types of visual industries.
Because it’s still a growing platform, there’s a little less “noise” than there is on Facebook, so your content could have a better chance of being seen.
Out of all the social media platforms, Twitter is the simplest. It’s made for those quick thoughts or short messages that you want to send out to the world. What’s really great about Twitter is that it’s easy to get involved in conversations. So if you’re trying to get your business involved in conversations current events and trends, Twitter is the place to do it.
Some industries that perform well on Twitter include sports, media, law, health and wellness, communications and travel. Twitter often gets overlooked as a top platform these days, but if you are strategic in joining in on conversations within your industry, you will make some strong connections for your business.
And yes, you may only get 280 characters per tweet, but trust us, that’s more than enough!
Uncover the power of networking!
LinkedIn is a powerhouse when it comes to making meaningful business connections. This is the platform for people who are taking their business and careers seriously. Is your business hiring? LinkedIn is where you can find your next employee. We recommend having an active LinkedIn presence not only on your personal page, but also on your business page.
Maybe you’ve been trying to get in contact with someone at a specific company but haven’t been able to get in touch with them; LinkedIn could be the place where you finally get through to them.
Some industries that perform well on LinkedIn include financial services, technology, marketing and legal services.
The bottom line is, your business needs an active and engaging social media presence. There’s no quick fix to establishing your business on social media. So take the time to do your research, create good content, engage with your potential customers, and in due time, the results will follow. If you have any questions regarding your business’ social media, or want to continue this conversation, give us a shout on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Thanks for reading!
Much ❤️,
Your friends at Rosey Social🌹